Kibbeefi Waaqoo by Addunyaa Barkeessaa

As I said earlier, Grammatical Sketch is kind of a boring book to just read through so I am trying to get more short books in this week. This is Kibbeefi Waaqoo, another Mega Publishing graded reader by Addunyaa Barkeessaa. Another relatively early reader, but this one sees a lot more use of transitions in and between sentences so it may be more difficult for learners.

The story sees the two characters having to explain what they learned at school that day. The characters are probably around the grade of the target audience as they have learned some basic hygiene related things in school. That matches what I see first graders learning in general.

Linguistically, there is much more transitions between sentences and within the sentences itself. There is also a greater variety in words used and conjugations in the sentences for verbs. Overall, an interesting read that was pretty easy but which has some cool example sentences for demonstrating grammar points.


