Tag: kibbeefiwaaqoo

  • And also…

    Today a relatively short post to start the day and maybe a longer one later. From reading Kibbeefi Waaqoo you see a lot of –is constructions in rhe sentences. This like; Waarituunis, isaanis, ilkaanis appear often at the start of sentences. The addition of -is to these words implies an “and also” meaning to the…

  • Kibbeefi Waaqoo by Addunyaa Barkeessaa

    As I said earlier, Grammatical Sketch is kind of a boring book to just read through so I am trying to get more short books in this week. This is Kibbeefi Waaqoo, another Mega Publishing graded reader by Addunyaa Barkeessaa. Another relatively early reader, but this one sees a lot more use of transitions in…